Advanced Writing Skills
Writing an Appeal
Appeals are made to help the people in need to raise funds for helping others. Such as earthquake victims, Slum children welfare, poor cancer patients etc.
Points to Remember
1. Use word “Appeal”.
2. Explain who is needy person.
3. Reason for Appeal.
4. Who are appealed?
5. Name, Address and contact number of Appeal maker.
6. Put in a box.
Q1. You are Anita/Anil, residing at Hari Nagar, New Delhi. Your friend has to undergo a major operation for which he needs Rs. seven lakhs. Some generous people have donated some money but that is not sufficient. Draft an appeal which will be published in a national daily to generate money for open heart surgery.
APPEAL A promising badminton player, a national Talent has to undergo an open heart surgery in Escorts Hospital, New Delhi for which he needs Rs. seven lakh rupees that he cannot afford. All kind-hearted and generous people are requested to help the needy player so that a precious life may be saved. Anita/Anil. |
2. Write an appeal inviting suitable Donors to offer one Kidney of theirs to save the life of a little girl of four years old. As her both kidneys are damaged. You are Ashu, the sister of victim, residing at B-5, Anand Vihar, Delhi.
APPEAL A very little girl of 4 years is lying on death bed in AIMS, Delhi. Both her Kidneys are totally damaged beyond repairs. Your benevolent act of donating one Kidney can save a precious and innocent life. Kindly come forward for this noble cause. The blood group of the patient is B+. The donors may please contact : The Medical Superintendent, AIIMS, New Delhi. Mob. 62127317XX. |
hi these examples helped me a lot but u can improve it by using more nice words and nice topics etc. like to stop polluting etc.
Basically u want a pre written appeal for ur tests?