Class XII – Vistas – Value Based Questions

Value based Questions


Q1. The tiger king proved that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Today’s political order presents a similar picture. It is time to realize that authority and power should be used for the benefit of the masses. Write a speech for the school assembly on this theme.
Value Points:

1. Understand that democracy means by the people, for the people and of the people.
2. Every act of ours to be directed towards upliftment of the poor.
3. Learn to take criticism in the right spirit.
4. Practise simple living and high thinking.
5. Not to misuse power / clout – to amass wealth.
6. Understand that they are just guardians of people’s wealth.
7. Be patriotic in the real sense of the word.

Q2. It is understood from the lesson that the king was surrounded by people who obeyed him out of fear and there was a lack of good counseling from his ministers to run his kingdom for the good of the people. How important is it to have a good council of ministers for the good governance of the country?
Value Points:

1. Elected ministers should place the country before self.
2. The head should mercilessly remove the corrupt ministers.
3. There should be a strong judiciary
4. Law and order should be in the hands of honest officers.
5. Bureaucracy should be strong and transparent.

Q3. The fascination for everything English is brought out beautifully in the lesson ‘The tiger king’. The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram is given an ‘English’ upbringing. How can love for one’s country be inculcated against all odds?
Value Points:

1. Aping the west should be stopped
2. Willness to serve the country should be there
3. Understand our age old culture and build up on family values rather than seeking personal gains


Q1. Man is considered to be the most dangerous animal. However students should understand that we should live in a state of partnership with nature and not have an attitude of domination. Write an article stressing the need for a changed perception among mankind.

Value points:

1. Understand that we are moving towards our own destruction / annihilation
2. Disrupting the food chain —- we will be grappling for resources -our survival.
3. Have a holistic approach to preserve environment.
4. Not harm, the habitat of animals
5. Not to hunt, harm or poach for skin, blubber, tusks etc.
6. Ban products made out of killing animals.
7. Strict laws, stringent measures.

Q2. God has provided resources for our need and not our greed. It is the desire for more that has brought about a ruckus in the environment and our lives. Contentment in life is the key to peaceful living. Analyse this in an article for the school magazine.

Value Points:

1. Simple living, high thinking
2. Be contented with what one has
3. Remember we have no right to deprive future generation of resources.
4. Desire for more is root of all evils-corruption etc.
5. Not to compare. Think of those who are deprived of the basic necessities.
6. Happy is the man who lives by his means.

Q.3. Take care of the small things and the big things will fall in place – says Tishani Doshi in the ‘Journey to the end of the earth’. The relevance of this statement in all walks of life cannot be undermined. It is universal and more so for a harmonious and happy life. Write the text of a speech on this theme.
Value points:

1. Understand little drops of water make the mighty ocean.
2. In thought, deed and word we need to be mindful-not to hurt others.
3. Do good things, be noble and work hard
4. To concentrate on developing skills; success will follow automatically.
5. Kind words helps to nurture relationships
6. Practice non- violence, automatically world peace will be achieved.


Q.1. ‘Fortune favours the brave’.  Sadao had his doubts and anxieties while he helped the prisoner of war. Despite this he follows the dictates of his heart. What is courage really all about? Why should one cultivate it?
Value points:

1. Essential quality to tide over misfortunes / adversity
2. Provides confidence
3. Promotes self-respect
4. Cultivates associated positive traits
5. Courage – mind wise more important than physical display

Q2. Despite bias Sadao rises above his prejudices to save a person’s life. Why is it important for us to become tolerant as a society?
Value points:

1. Multi-cultural society is norm today
2. Helps growth of individuals as well nation
3. Helps keep malaise such as terrorism at bay
4. Fanatic behaviour corrodes practical thinking
5. Makes one impulsive also
6. Decision making ability hampered

Q3. Sadao’s servants refused to acknowledge or approve the help he rendered the POW, Hana and Sadao seem to be more willing to risk their safety to reach out to another human being in need.  Explain the role that education plays in making us refined and accommodative.

Value points:

1. Teaches one to respect and love others
2. Refines baser instincts / passions
3.provides  opportunities  to  realize,  acknowledge  and  appreciate  other’s
4. Potential / talent
5. Will be able to adopt the best from various cultures / people.


Q1. Jack is very influenced by his mother’s upbringing. It is universally acknowledged that ‘mother knows best’. Explain how placing trust in one’s parents will be rewarding.

Value points:

1. Multiple factors taken into consideration
2. Parents / elders know better
3. Age and experience favour accurate judgment
4. Less likely to be swayed by peer pressure, fashion, trends etc.
5. Interest of child will be close to heart
6. Pressure / stress will be rightly handled

Q2. Jack wishes to help his wife but certain prejudice comes in the way of actually doing so. Analyse how preconceived notions about other people will often come in the way of evolving ourselves into better people.

Value points:

1. Help from others will not be forthcoming.
2. Bias / prejudice will make one intolerant
3. Fanatic opinions / beliefs not conducive to overall growth
4. Multifaceted society
5. Ideals of harmony and peace will be curtailed
6. Workplaces, neighbourhoods and society at large will suffer.

Q3. Roger Skunk’s mother finds the smell of roses detestable on her son, implying that he should accept himself as he is.  Adults as well as young people are often victims of misjudging issues, people and circumstances based on appearance. Is an obsession for appearance disallowing us to appreciate our own true selves? Explain.

Value points:

1. All that glitters is not gold.
2. Appearances are deceptive
3. Comparisons bound to happen
4. Comparisons not always conducive to growth.
5. Real issues get brushed under carpet
6. Misplaced values.


Q1. Many teenagers go through a phase where they have a complex about their
appearance and they do not like to be underestimated or pitied. How could society help such children become confident?
Value Points:

1. Empathy
2. Encouraging nature
3. The ability to listen and understand
4. Persistence

Q2.  Mr. Lamb says that he grows weeds and wonders why one green growing plant is called a weed and another a flower. He says it is all life. In another instance, he says that bees don’t buzz, they hum and hum means to sing. What can we learn about life from these observations of Mr. Lamb?
Value Points:

1. Positivity
2. A never-say-die spirit
3. Making the best use of everything- nothing is ever a waste
4. The ability to admire and appreciate everything around- all the creatures of god

Q3. Derry says “It’s not what you look like; it’s what you are inside.” What are the qualities this sentence encourages people to have?
Value Points:

1. Importance to people and their character/qualities
2. Avoid getting carried away by superficial things
3. Need for good moral and ethical Character
4. Being a human- being generous, kind and tolerant.

Q4.  Derry: “Look at all the people who are in pain and brave and never cry and never complain and don’t feel sorry for themselves.” But Derry does not follow it. What qualities do you need to develop to be like the ‘people’ Derry mentions?
Value Points:

1. Positive
2. Brave
3. Physical and mental strength
4. Tenacity and resilience

6. Evans Tries an O- Level

Q1. The Governor paid heavily for his lapses in security.  If he had weighed the probabilities of Evans’ escape he might have taken sufficient precautions.  What  qualities do you think will help one guard against such lapses?

Value Points:

1. Textual Input
2. Not leave anything to chance
3. Think from Evans’ angle
4. Evans’ analytical mind
5. Governor over confident
6. Conceited

Q2.  Condemn the sin, not the sinner.  The age old adage; once a criminal always a criminal should not be our perspective now.  Every criminal who comes to the jail should leave the same a better/whole human being.   What can be done to ensure that  criminals leave the prison walls as better human beings/ reformed human beings.
Value Points:

1. Keep them occupied
2. Constructive occupation
3. Meditation, yoga

Q3. ‘Evans the break’ was able to hoodwink the jail authorities including the Governor. It clearly shows that necessity is the mother of invention.  What qualities are necessary to tackle difficult situations in life?

Value Points:

1. Creativity
2. Courage
3. Alertness
4. Observation
5. Textual Input
6. Evans’ creativity

7. Memories of Childhood

Q1.  As long as men are free to ask what they must; free to say what they think; free to think what they will and free to follow their religious beliefs – only then there exists democracy.  What reforms can be advocated in order to avert such cruelty like what Zitkala Sa and Bama experienced.
Value Points:

1. Liberty
2. Equality
3. Fraternity
4. Religious tolerance

Q2. For people like Bama it is necessary to break the shackles that society burdens them with and come out triumphant.  What should one possess /acquire to help one live without fear?

Value Points:

1. Patience
2. Perseverance
3. Determination to succeed
4. Fight all odds

Q3.  Harijan- Hari  jan (children of God) is what Gandhiji called the Dalits.  Great stalwarts like the Mahatma, Dr. Ambedkar and Ramanujam worked relentlessly for the upliftment of the Dalits.  But, unfortunately the caste bias still rears its ugly head in many parts of the country.  What values need to be instilled in individuals for the betterment and upliftment of the marginalized communities?

Value Points:

1. Awareness
2. Freedom/ equality
3. Mutual respect
4. Education


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