How to prepare oneself for the day of an examination?
Get up early in the morning. Do exercise for 10 to 15 minutes and have shower. Take light breakfast. Don’t eat too much.
Make sure you have all the things which you need during the examination like water bottle, wrist watch, hanky, clip board, ruler, pens, markers etc. Don’t borrow anything from other students during the examination.
Try to reach examination hall early. Exam stress is natural. Have no fear and be confident. Think that you are fully prepared and you are going to do very well in your paper.
Answer-sheets are given to students before the question papers so that students can write their names and roll numbers on them. If you are given question cum answer sheet, do not open it before your Invigilator says.
Write your name, roll number, subject and other information required on your answer sheet. Open your question paper when you are told to do. Read all the instructions before starting paper. You will be given 15 minutes for reading the question paper.
Read all the question paper and have idea of questions given. See if there is choice among questions and select those questions which you have more command on. Use proper time management strategy to attempt all the questions and spare at least 15 minutes for checking and revising your answers.
Start writing your paper when the invigilator says. Attempt that question first, on which you have more command. Write correct section and question number for each answer.
Remember, your answer should be brief, concise, to the point and easily understandable. Answers should be expanded according to it marks.
Use proper format, headings and sub-headings. Draw diagrams and tables wherever necessary.
Have no cutting and overwriting. Good hand writing plays a vital role and leaves a good impression in the mind of the examiner.
A question paper consists of variety of questions, i.e. LATQs, SATQs, VSATQs or MCQs. LATQs demand long explanation or description about what is being asked in the question. They carry more marks in comparison to other questions. Answer according to the word limit prescribed in the question. Avoid unnecessary explanations.
Do the rough work on one side of answer sheet and separate it by writing at the top Rough Work.
When you finish your paper, start checking your answers from the beginning and see if there is any mistake. When the last bell goes, submit the answer sheet to the invigilator.
thanks for your article .it was really amazing and makes me confident for my. exams . thank u. 😊
Thanks for the moral support