Complete list of Phobias

Phobia: an extreme or irrational fear of  something

S.No. Phobia Definition (The fear of)
1. Acarophobia Itching
2. Acarophobia Mites
3. Acerophobia Sourness
4. Acousticophobia Sound
5. Acrophobia Sharpness
6. Acrophobia/hypsophobia High places
7. Aerophobia Air travel
8. Agoraphobia Open places
9. Ailurophobia Cats
10. Algophobia Pain
11. Americophobia American people and things
12. Androphobia Men
13. Anemophobia Wind
14. Anginophobia Narrowness
15. Anglophobia English people and things
16. Anthophobia Flowers
17. Anthropophobia People
18. Antlophobia Floods
19. Apeirophobia Infinity
20. Apiphobia Bees
21. Arachnophobia Spiders
22. Asthenophobia Weakness
23. Astrapophobia Lightning
24. Atelophobia Imperfection
25. Atephobia Ruin
26. Autophobia/ermitophobia Loneliness
27. Bacillophobia/microbiophobia Microbes
28. Bacteriophobia Bacteria
29. Bacteriophobia Germs
30. Ballistophobia Bullets
31. Bathophobia Depth
32. Batophobia High buildings
33. Batrachophobia Reptiles
34. Belonephobia Needles
35. Blennophobia Slime
36. Bromidrosiphobia Body odour
37. Brontophobia/tonitrophobia/keraunophobia Thunder
38. Carcinophobia Cancer
39. Cardiophobia Heart disease
40. Cheimaphobia Cold
41. Chionophobia Snow
42. Chrematophobia Money
43. Chromophobia Colour
44. Chronophobia Time
45. Chrysophobia/aurophobia Gold
46. Cibophobia/sitophobia Food
47. Claustrophobia Enclosed places
48. Clinophobia Bed
49. Cnidophobia Insect stings
50. Coitophobia Coitus
51. Cometophobia Comets
52. Coprophobia Faeces
53. Coprostasophobia Constipation
54. Cremnophobia Precipices
55. Cryophobia Ice
56. Cyberphobia Computers
57. Cynophobia Dogs
58. Cyrnophobia Waves
59. Demophobia/ochlophobia Crowds
60. Dermatosiophobia/dermatopathophobia Skin disease
61. Dikephobia Justice
62. Doraphobia Fur
63. Ecclesiophobia Church
64. Eisoptrophobia Mirrors
65. Electrophobia Electricity
66. Eleutherophobia Freedom
67. Emetophobia Vomiting
68. Enetophobia Pins
69. Entomophobia Insects
70. Eosophobia Dawn
71. Epistolophobia Correspondence
72. Eremophobia Solitude
73. Ergophobia Work
74. Erotophobia Sex
75. Erythrophobia Blushing
76. Febriphobia Fever
77. Francophobia/gallophobia French people and things
78. Gamophobia Marriage
79. Gephyrophobia Bridges
80. Germanophobia/teutophobia German people and things
81. Geumatophobia Taste
82. Graphophobia Writing
83. Gymnophobia Nudity
84. Gynophobia Women
85. Hadephobia/stygiophobia Hell
86. Haemophobia Blood
87. Hagiophobia Saints
88. Hamartophobia Sin
89. Haptophobia Touch
90. Harpaxophobia Robbers
91. Hedonophobia Pleasure
92. Heliophobia Sun
93. Helminthophobia Worms
94. Hierophobia Priests
95. Hippophobia Horses
96. Hodophobia Travel
97. Homichlophobia Fog
98. Homophobia Homosexuals
99. Hormephobia Shock
100. Hydrophobia Water
101. Hydrophobophobia Rabies
102. Hygrophobia Dampness
103. Hypegiaphobia Responsibility
104. Hypnophobia Sleep
105. Ichthyophobia Fish
106. Iconophobia Religious works of art
107. Ideophobia Ideas
108. Italophobia Italian people and things
109. Kakorrhaphiaphobia Failure
110. Katagelophobia Ridicule
111. Kenophobia Voids
112. Kinetophobia Motion
113. Kleptophobia Stealing
114. Koniophobia Dust
115. Kopophobia Fatigue
116. Lalophobia/laliophobia Stuttering
117. Lalophobia/laliophobia/glossophobia/phonophobia Speech
118. Leprophobia Leprosy
119. Limnophobia Lakes
120. Linonophobia String
121. Logophobia Words
122. Lyssophobia/maniphobia Insanity
123. Mastigophobia Beating
124. Mechanophobia Machinery
125. Metallophobia Metal
126. Microphobia Small things
127. Musicophobia Music
128. Musophobia Mice
129. Mysophobia Dirt
130. Necrophobia Corpses
131. Nelophobia Glass
132. Neophobia New things
133. Nephophobia Clouds
134. Nosophobia Illness
135. Nyctophobia Night
136. Ochlophobia Mobs
137. Ochophobia Vehicles
138. Odontophobia Teeth
139. Oikophobia Home
140. Olfactophobia/osmophobia Smell
141. Ommetaphobia Eyes
142. Oneirophobia Dreams
143. Onomatophobia Names
144. Ophidiophobia Snakes
145. Ornithophobia Birds
146. Paedophobia Children
147. Panophobia/pantophobia Everything
148. Papaphobia Pope
149. Parasitophobia Parasites
150. Pathophobia/nosophobia Disease
151. Patroiophobia Heredity
152. Pediculophobia Lice
153. Peniaphobia Poverty
154. Phagophobia Swallowing
155. Pharmacophobia Drugs
156. Phasmophobia Ghosts
157. Philosophobia Philosophy
158. Phobophobia Fear
159. Photophobia Light
160. Phronemophobia Thinking
161. Phthisiophobia Tuberculosis
162. Pinaciphobia/katastichophobia Lists
163. Pnigerophobia Smothering
164. Pogonophobia Beards
165. Poinephobia Punishment
166. Politicophobia Politics
167. Potamophobia Rivers
168. Potophobia Drink
169. Pteronophobia Feathers
170. Pyrophobia Fire
171. Rhabdophobia Magic
172. Russophobia Russian people and things
173. Satanophobia Satan
174. Scabiophobia Scabies
175. Sciophobia Shadows
176. Scotophobia Darkness
177. Scotophobia Scottish people and things
178. Selaphobia Flesh
179. Siderodromophobia Rail travel
180. Siderophobia Stars
181. Sinophobia Chinese people and things
182. Stasophobia Standing
183. Symmetrophobia Symmetry
184. Syphilophobia Venereal disease
185. Tachophobia Speed
186. Taphephobia Burial alive
187. Technophobia Technology
188. Telephonophobia Telephone
189. Teratophobia Monsters, giving birth to
190. Thalassophobia Sea
191. Thanatophobia Death
192. Thassophobia Idleness
193. Theophobia God
194. Thermophobia Heat
195. Tocophobia Childbirth
196. Topophobia Places
197. Toxiphobia Poison
198. Traumatophobia Injury
199. Trichophobia Hair
200. Triskaidekaphobia Thirteen
201. Trypanophobia/vaccinophobia Inoculation
202. Tyrannophobia Tyrants
203. Uranophobia Heaven
204. Xenophobia Foreigners
205. Zelotypophobia Jealousy
206. Zoophobia Animals

List of top 10 phobias

  1. Fear of Spiders – Arachnophobia
  2. Fear of Snakes – Ophidiophobia
  3. Fear of Heights – Acrophobia
  4. Fear of Open Spaces – Agoraphobia
  5. Fear of Dogs – Cynophobia
  6. Fear of Thunderstorms – Astraphobia
  7. Fear of Small Spaces – Claustrophobia
  8. Fear of Germs – Mysophobia
  9. Fear of Flying – Aerophobia
  10. Fear of Holes – Trypophobia

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