Sample Listening Test Paper, 2019-20
English Core
Class XI/XII
Time: 60 Minutes
M.Marks: 20 Marks
1. Answer all the questions.
2. In this part you will listen to some short extracts. As you listen to each one, answer the question.
3. Before you begin to listen, read the questions quickly and get familiar with the questions.
A. Listen to your teacher/ audio titled “Internet Banking” and answer the following questions as directed. 1 x 5 = 5 marks
State whether the following statements are true or false:
1. For banking around the clock, the banks don’t have to keep their branches open for 24 hours.
2. Internet banking means empowerment for consumers.
3. The best feature of Internet banking is that one can keep a track of one’s transactions.
4. Internet banking is not much helpful in stock market investments since the programmes are very complicated.
5. Internet banking proving very convenient for consumers.
B. Complete the following sentences: 1 x 5 = 5 Marks
6. For managing one’s money and finances, ________________________________
__________________________ has emerged as one of the most popular methods.
7. One advantage of Internet Banking is___________________________________
8. The consumers can select the best Internet bank by_______________________
9. One can keep record of one’s money by software programmes like____________
10. Internet banking helps in keeping a check on fraudulent practice by __________
C. Listen to your teacher/ audio titled ‘Rafael Nadal-The tennis champion’ and answer the following question as directed. 1×4 = 4 marks
Complete the following sentences:
11. Name of a world famous Tennis Court _____________________________
12. A tennis player who won Wimbledon championship five times___________
13. Rafael Nadal belongs to the country________________________________
14. The exceptional feature of Rafael Nadal’s nature is his_________________
D.Listen to your teacher/ audio titled ‘Teenagers and Their Pursuits’ and answer the question as directed. 1 mark
15. (a) Physical activities _____________________________________________
(b) Indoor activities ___________________________________________________
E. Listen to your teacher/ audio about ‘A Murder Committed in a House’ where you were living as a tenant and answer the following question as directed:
Fill in the required Information 1×5 = 5marks
16. The murder happened at ___________________________________________
17. The narrator was _________________________________________________
18. He heard two men ________________________________________________
19. Suddenly, somebody ______________________________________________
20. The landlady’s husband was lying ____________________________________
With _____________________________________ coming out of his chest.
Where is audio???