1. Which is a synonym of Obliterate?
- schedule
- decline
- initiate
- to blot out
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Answer. d
2. Which is a synonym of Yammer?
- praise
- lament/ grumble
- compliment
- whimper
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Answer. b
3. Which is a synonym of Impetuous?
- pleasing
- circumspect
- resourceful
- reflective
- rash
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Answer. e
4. Which is a synonym of Coeval?
- of the same age
- counterfeit
- corresponding
- duplicate
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Answer. a
5. Which is a synonym of Interim?
- internal
- permanent
- temporary
- continual
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Answer. c
6. Which is a synonym of Lachrymose?
- impious
- unimpressive
- moist
- mournful
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Answer. d
7. Which is a synonym of Incessant?
- co-operative
- discountinuous
- overflowing
- terminable
- continue
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Answer. e
8. Which is a synonym of Divulge?
- reveal
- explore
- to strip
- conceal
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Answer. a
9. Which is a synonym of Apathy?
- lack of confidence
- sympathy
- odd behaviour
- concern
- indifference
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Answer. e
10. Which is a synonym of PRECARIOUS?
- Uncertain
- Dependent
- Right Direction
- Perilous
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Answer. d